Hello Newgrounds! It is I, that one guy. Bobert-Rob! You... ah, probably don't remember me. If you do, it's because of Half Beard. tWHYlight, maybe. Or maybe even Runesuck.
I'm back! And I've released a new animation. I've been wanting to get away from Flash animation for awhile now, as I hate that damn program. Say what you will about the quality of said program, but I've had nothing but issues with it since I started using it. I continued with it because it was all I knew. All I was capable of.
Now I use Unity! A 3d game creation engine, but I've scripted up a game that allows me to make 3d animations! Sure, you could tell me that I could animate using Blender... but screw that. I wanted to be able to make an animation using scripts, a block of code, and I don't feel like doing everything in blender. That program's kind of buggy too. Of course it's free, so it balances itself out.
Anyway, check out the video! Leave me a comment! Let me know what you think, either what you like or how much I suck now. I don't care. I'm just glad to have something to share with you guys.
Good to see you back, I was just checking your profile the other week hoping you'd release some new content.