Well, gang, I'm in a bit of a dry spell. Not that I have no material to work with, I'm just not really inspired to do anything animation-wise. It's kind of depressing, I guess, but I'm just much more interested in tinkering with this old game I made back in highschool.
See, back when I was in highschool, around 2001, I was heavily into game creation. I've always wanted to make games, but when I found the RPG maker "OHRRPGCE", well, I finally had the ability to make them. Granted, they mostly sucked, but it was good writing practice. I wasn't a very good writer back then, but it was the beginning of a style I'd improve over time and incorporate into my animations, starting with HOTM.
Well, I've been tinkering with an old game of mine. Basically done in the style of HOTMinvolving me and friends going on an adventure. It didn't make much sense then, but after my tinkering it's actually coming together as a game. The bad thing is it's still an OHRRPGCE game, so none of you guys would get a chance to play it. I'm basically tinkering with this game for my own enjoyment, but it'd be awesome if I could take it and turn it into something I could actually release to you guys. Y'know, to make up for the fact that I'm doing absolutely nothing you can get into.
I have this thought in the back of my head involving maybe cutting the story into three or four games and doing each as a separate Flash RPG so I could finally start releasing stuff again, but as we all know I suck at game programming. Unfortunately, the nature of these games means the programming would be quite complicated and I'd only want to expand on the original ideas I had. That and it'd involve a shit ton of voice acting, or me trying to figure out how to provide voices for the 30-ish characters that appear in the game. It would be fun animating the cutscenes, though, especially with the style I've developed for it. This idea may just devolve into me doing a couple of favorite scenes from the game as nonsensical separate releases. I know you'd love that, heh.
But not all is dismal as far as animation is concerned. There IS this idea I have for a parody that came to me about a month ago... one in the same vein as the short Matrix thing I did, but it being a TV show parody instead. I may do that one as it'd be simple, but due to the lack of inspiration I may not. It would fit decently well with Thanksgiving, oddly enough. Alright pressure! :D
So... uh... yeah. That's what's going through my mind at the moment. Might do a game if I can find a programmer that's interested, even if it is a game with a dated storyline. Might do an animation if I can muster up the effort in time. A lot of possibility floating in the air. Time'll tell what actually happens, though.
(Damnit, I hate it when I write books... ugh)
I just start reading comics to get me inspired to do something. (I'M GONNA JUMP OFF THE ROOF, WHOO!)
Yeah, reading/watching things can help with inspiration. Unfortunately, the only thing I've been inspired to do lately is mess with game design.