Some of you may recall the animation I released last month entitled "Half Beard". If you haven't seen it, check it out. Anyway, I did a live action documentary on the final day of my real half beard entitled "Half Beard: the Shaving" and released it on Youtube. You can watch it here:
Half Beard: the Shaving
It's not great by any means, but it's got its moments. If you like rambling then you'll probably enjoy it.
As for episode 5, I've gotten the first 30 seconds animated, but I don't have dialogue recorded for Johny or his friend, so until I get that done, I can't do anything with it. I'm working on other things until that happens. Here's a work in progress shot of it. It's Vaan, in all his un-glory. Damnit I hate him.
Also, I might as well throw it out there, I'm planning on the title being 'Not-so-Final Fantasy XII'. Not too terribly original, but eh. I thought it was clever, but then I did a google search and the name's been used in a few things (the 'not so final fantasy' part), but I could still use it... maybe. What do you guys think? The other title I was considering was "FFXII: Enough parts to make a clock.". It's more original, but more obscure. Which should I go with? Lemme know.
the insanity is awesome.
something i might aspire too if i could ever grow a beard!
i mindlessly shave mine everyday =(
Gotta start somewhere. Might as well be with a blade. A blade... with which, to shave peach fuzz that will one day be hair! Stubbly stubbles.