So I've been working on episode 6. Pretty hard, actually. I've gotten a lot further with it, but there's still much to be done. Regardless, I'm releasing a WIP screenshot or two from it. If you want to see them, go ahead and look at them. Only catch is they're on deviantArt. Why? Cuz I don't want to fill my art section here with just anything. I basically shit anything on deviantArt, hence you get unfinished work and works in progress things along with whatever else I feel like.
Welp, that's all. Say what you will, I'm getting back to work.
Links to the pictures, will update if/when I upload more:
WIP image 1
WIP image 2 (Johny on guitar)
Dude...the episode where you "Don't wake up" is like my favorite of your Siblings series.'s the opposite theme. Can't wait!
It's going to be awesome, I can assure you of that. Seriously, I'm loving how some of these scenes are turning out. It's definitely going to be a great one.