I'm never making another one ever again.
That is my answer to the age old question "SO WHEN'S YER NEXT CARTOON COMING OUT." Or "WHATS YER NEXT CARTOON ABOUT". Or even the golden "ANIMATE A CARTOON FOR ME."
Any news I have about my current activities is posted here, on the newsposts. If I haven't MADE a news post yet, chances are I'm either too busy to bother with updating or nothing's going on. There is just no point in individually telling each person who asks me the same thing. The same people who are obviously too lazy to read what I write anyway. I make these for a reason, folks.
Sorry, I've just read too many one sentence messages lately that all ask the same question. WHEN IS MORE COMING. I'm going to stop saying when I'm releasing stuff at this rate because I'm tired of people expecting me to meet some kind of nonexistent quota.
Rant aside, I'm not really doing anything special. I'm working on another demo reel for shits and giggles, though I MAY send this out to some people in DVD form. Nothing will come of it, I bet, but what else am I doing? Nothin'. The demo reel is way too long to release online (15 minutes for the full length, about 7 for the shortened), so I won't. Besides, why bother, it's just a damn demo reel. Recycled footage you've seen before spiced with a few ones you haven't. Whatever.
Note: NO, I'M NOT SENDING IT TO ANY FANS. I AM NOT MADE OF MONEY. If you gave me money, hey... but we all know you're too cheap for that. :p
Now get off my back, ya monkeys. :3
Bobert-Rob (Updated )
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