Hey. Siblings mini-episode 3, 'tWHYlight'. Parody of some movie. Rob yells for awhile. Watch it or don't.
I stuffed it with secrets. Loads and loads. Huge scrapbook too, but you can only read it if you unlock the pages via secret split second buttons. And the secret skull unlocks 'version B', which changes how certain characters look. Gives Rob a Lincoln beard, for instance. Makes it more visually accurate, basically. I guess.
Cat's got my tongue.
It's a good thing I didn't see it.
I can pretty much tell a good movie even by trailer alone...
Did you see the Dragon Ball trailer...the real one this time.
I know...that so many DBZ fans are going to be so pissed.
But seriously...was the book that popular among teenie girls?
What is wrong with today's society!?
Since when is it cool for a young girl to find it hot to date a vampire!?
Doesn't that just give the wrong idea to girls? Date a dangerous guy?
Thanks for the Parody...now I can show it to my younger cousin to not see it. Bless her little heart...she loves "dark" guys. Poor kid.
I'd be more worried about girls dating sparkly guys. Magicians are liars and cheats. LIARS AND CHEATS I SAY!
And poor kid indeed.