I'm not in the best of moods at the moment, as flash decided to delete the character cells for episode 6 I was working on for the past two weeks, so I gotta redraw em'. Thankfully I had started animating one of the scenes, so the angles I'd already used were saved in another file, but there were a good 10 or so angles I completely lost and need to redraw from scratch. Not that any of you care, of course.
In other news, I've been working slowly on the website. Yep, work on that is going at a snail's pace. Why? Because I said so, shut up. It's got enough there at the moment. The animation section, the music section... I even threw together a store that no one will buy from. Many improvements were made and it's all looking mighty nice. Again, though, only like 10 people will even care to notice. Being recognized for my work sure is nice... (sarcasm)
Which, I guess, brings me to the foremost point in my mind: I'm fucking pissed. Pissed because I put months of work into Heinous Anus Zone, an original script full of awesome jokes and the best animating I'd ever done, and it was all wasted because I was over-eager and released it on a day something more popular was released. And then I watch as many flash animations make the front page, hardly any of them deserving the spotlight, and due to their exposure they end up being seen by hundreds of thousands. It's fucking frustrating when I put all this god damn work into something only for the joke stealing idiots of the flash community to fucking best me.
But yeah, excuse me for being a pessimistic little bitch. I'm honestly sorry about that, but life's shitty at the moment. Frustration in more areas than just this, though this doesn't help matters at all.
In any case, I got news for you: If this shit continues to spiral downhill, I'm going to stop making it. As in, if episode 6 doesn't receive anything near what episode 5 did, I'm just going to fucking stop the series altogether. I'm not just going to waste half a year on something that only a few thousand people are going to see, you know? I'm not a fucking charity, and I'm certainly not making money at it, so yeah. Fair warning.
PS: Since I don't want to completely disappoint my 10 fans, I offer a preview of episode 6 in the form of a cell I drew. This one was saved, thankfully. It's both a taste of what's to come and a display of how I feel right now. Tired of life. Enjoy while you can!
but your stuff is great D:
Just saying, man. There are a few more guaranteed releases from me (Siblings ep 6, The Heart and the Hand p2, the collab thing I mentioned vaguely before), but nothing's set in stone beyond that. I can't keep pouring my heart into something that most people will overlook, you know?