Hey. I made something. It's the extras from episode 5 of Siblings, "Not-the-Final Fantasy XII". It contains a lot of FFXII-based humor. Check it out if you want to.
Enter the "Not-the-Final Fantasy XII Extras"
Also, guess what? Do any of you remember HOTM? It's my first series, you can watch all the parts I made of it here on NG. Anyway, I never finished "HOTM 3 part D", but a few days ago I decided to release what I had finished of it since I most likely will never finish it. Click below for a link to the incomplete version of "HOTM 3 part D", containing 40 seconds of animation that goes nowhere.
Well, that's all I have to say about that. Hope you enjoy the fruits of my recent labor, as I won't be finishing any more animations anytime soon. It takes time to make this stuff, you know. Lots of time. Until next time...!
awsum :D