Yeah, so I'm not always great when it comes to research. I'm going through reviews of that whole 'Mac VS PC' parody thing I did, and there are a few who really REALLY didn't enjoy it. Now, I'm not about to say it's a masterpiece, but it's got some highlights. Good for a chuckle or two.
But this one reviewer was like "Damn you Rob, Linux isn't a computer producer, it's an operating system. RESEARCH, DO SOME.". This is one of those moments where Rob realizes he probably should've done a wee bit more research before commiting to an idea. Most people enjoy the whole Linux addition, though, so I can't say it was a MISTAKE... but I could've at least brought that whole factor to attention somehow.
But everybody makes mistakes, so whatever. I'm not sure why I'm choosing to make an entire news post about it... just thought it might be something worth noting. Regardless, I'll go ahead and bring up something else that's kind of related, but not really.
Did I use any 'street talk' in Episode 5 of Siblings? One abusive reviewer said the brothers were a bunch of 'white boys talking street' and I honestly have no idea when (if at all) any of us talked street in that animation. Am I just forgetting a vital part, or is that just a bunch of complete bullshit? I'm thinking bullshit, but who knows.
I'm not going to let a few negative nancies ruin my opinion of my own work, of course... just like how I won't let a lot of really positive petes make me think any higher of myself. I'm just an amateur animator who's still learning his trade and hoping to make a living out of it someday. That's all I am, no matter how successful I get or how good I get at it. Well, until I get a job doing it, anyway. That'll probably take awhile, though... if it happens at all.
On a completely unrelated note, happy Pico day everyone. No, I'm not doing anything special for today... I've been releasing too many things as it is, what can you expect?
Here's a drawing I drew last night. Took awhile to do. I'm not done with it (thinking of redoing the background), but I'll let you guys see it anyway.
Blah blah blah I'm done.
Nice picture, would look great in the Heart and the handpt 2
Bobert-Rob (Updated )
Yeah, but this picture won't be in it. That IS supposed to be Glenn, the guy from that, but it's a different lady. This belongs to another story entirely, so... yeah. Glad you enjoy it. If you like that style of art, you may like some of the art I have on my dA page. Although a lot of that art is varied (some is cute, some is creepy, some is funny), there's some art of 'the Heart and the hand' on there that's sort of like this. Thanks for the compliment!