All I do all day is make cartoons in various programs. Comedic animations, parodies of movies and video games. EGO FI.

Robert Winchester @Bobert-Rob

Age 39, Male



St Clair, MO

Joined on 9/19/03

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Siblings Episode 5, "Not-the-Final Fantasy XII", finally released!

Posted by Bobert-Rob - April 18th, 2008

That's right, I finally did it. It's done and released. Potentially one of the best video game parodies I've ever done. So go watch it if you haven't yet.

Watch Episode 5!

Also, since this episode has so many outtakes and extra stuff, I'll be releasing that in another submission when it's completed. It's half way through completion and should only take another week of work to complete. It'll have about a minute worth of extra animated content in it, so it's almost like you get a pseudo sequel... it just doesn't have an actual storyline or anything.

That's it! More to come shortly!

Siblings Episode 5, "Not-the-Final Fantasy XII", finally released!




hilarious! also,i just wanna say, EPIC SKIN PINKAGE!!

Almost good as porn....that means it's great I trade half of my golden dvd
s for this

Just half? lol. jk. Glad you like it! :D


Well, alrighty then.

i love you so much

Well thanks, I like you too! I think.

Yay, twas awesome ^^

And yes, I was sad enough to stop and read each wolf description <3

Hey, I appreciate it. I wrote em' for a reason! :D

Yes its OUT ty very much rob

your welcome very much keat

LOL, this was brilliant, a true video game parody!
Though I dislike FFXII and gave up playing it long ago, you've given me a reason never to pick it up again XD
While watching it the first time I didn't read the wolf description, but the second time (Yes, I watch stuff twice if I really like) I took the time to read each of the notes, and I must say you had some pretty funny stuff in there which is ashame you put the time into writing something most people won't realize/read.
Anyway on to the point, this was a great flash, and I hope it does well in the portal, now I'm going to repost this comment on the actual flash page just so I can give you a 10/10 comment (which I shoulda done in the first place :P )


Hey, it's cool. And yeah, I hide little jokes in there like that a lot, not caring whether people actually read it or not... cuz if everyone read it, it'd make it less special, you know? The fact that you took the time to read it is good, means you liked it enough to look for other, less obvious jokes. Cheers for that!

Oh wow, that was bloody brilliant! I was also like "wtf?" when Balthier accepted the "evil-twin-brother" story Basch spewed out. I thought to myself "Oh my god, that is such bullshit!"

Also your recreation of the music was definitely funny. And the songs were easily distinguishable to determine and remember from the game.

The Jar scene was what made me lol the hardest. "NO-I-CAN'T-WAIT-UNTIL-AFTER-THE-BATT LE-I-GOTTA-OPEN-IT-NOW!!!!" Then the fact it was one gil just made me laugh harder.

Then there was also the little things, such as the text on the menus "Uh..licenses?" and the portraits of the characters. I also loved the descriptions and sarcasm in the wolf descriptions "If only there was a scene selection....wait...." and the in-game conversation Johny has in Runescape.

Also, the art was fantastically solid and exceptionally fluid. Your style makes it easy to discern the expressions of any of the characters (even baby Mason). This episode was definitely worth the wait. Well done, Robert!

You know, when I was first writing the menu, I couldn't remember what the hell the options were, so I just bullshitted a lot of the options. Then I looked back at a reference picture and thought about updating it, but figured to just leave it as it was since it was funnier that way. Glad you found all those not-so-obvious jokes, man, I love it when people look for that stuff. Makes it worth while to hide em'. Glad you liked it!

I lold, and then I favorited.

dude u just had to put that bestiality joke in there didnt u XD

Of course I did, Fran made sure I HAD to put it in... what with those damn rabbit ears, heh.

Nice one!! and hope to see more!!

Oh you will, Marles, you will...

Lol, the score on Not-The-Final Fantasy XII just keeps on going up, eh? Even beating half-beard! XD

Dude, I noticed that. If it stays there for awhile, this'll be the first time ever that any of my cartoons will have been in the top place score-wise. Won't last, I know, but that would be AWESOME all the same. Even being there for just a few days would be awesome as hell. Not that hell's awesome, it's just that hell is... like... big or something, and so would the awesomeness be in that case.

...awesomeness? I don't know....

Yeah, Vaan was a dumbass. I wish his brother didn't die in the beginning though, he would of been better than that pretty boy.

You speak wisdom, Sir Circle of the knight. Or something.

that was funny as hell when you made the main charecter seem like a flaming homo lol. i enjoyed watching him get beat up too, it was hilariouse! and i know that feeling in final fantasy when theres a treasure chest and your in a location youve been at for a long time... then ether 1 gil or nothing has been found :D

You might be surprised, but I actually use Vaan regularly in combat. He is my highest leveled character. I'm just too lazy to switch leaders.

Referring to your review response, I also got a vibe that it was Star Wars inspired (before they left that desert planet). The way the buildings looked and the shops had that Star Wars feel. I also thought of Balthier as Han Solo and Fran as Chewbacca. It would have been funny if you had Fran do the Chewbacca call. I bet everybody would have gotten that joke.

Yeah, I'm sure, but alas, for whatever reason I stuck with the Vaan mocking. Oh well. I'm just surprised they didn't try putting some jibberish screaming robots in there... that's all it was missing to be a complete Star Wars rip off. I mean, even the judges kind of reminded me of Darth Vader... y'know, a bunch of darth vaders. A Vader squad, if you will. And the imperials all had the basic look of an ancient-type storm trooper... geh. At least they didn't put any jedi-types in there... if they had made Vaan a jedi, I would've been so pissed...
"Hey, everybody, I have telekenetic powers! Look!" *makes his hair even MORE flamboyant... somehow*

NIce job :D!!

I thought it was hilarious! and you could really relate on how the characters in the flash were having dialouges.. :D

i fav'd it!

Thanks, Sim, your kind words are appreciated.

Incredible, incredible work as usual. I can't believe how much your skills are improving from video to video. Watching the whole siblings collection in one run through really illustrates it. I just can't imagine what you'll be doing with the next couple. I wish this could be like a regular cartoon series on TV, it would totally destroy Spongebob, and I would actually watch it. Have you considered pursuing anything like that?

Not anytime soon, no. I don't know, it's something I always wanted to try, but I doubt I'd try for it anytime soon. I'm still learning to animate, afterall. Well, I mean I know how to mostly, but I want to get good enough in all aspects (writing, voice acting, drawing, etc) before I ever pursue anything professionally. And yeah, it is mind boggling how much the quality improves from episode to episode. Just means the next episode should be even better! Hopefully.

Random shout about how much i like the flash :3 btw this flash is going to the top :D

For a little while at least!

How many times DOES Vaan get hit outside of combat?

Well, really he only gets hit by the pig guards in the prison once, and in the beginning he's pushed back by some imperials. I think that's it. Of course, my version of Vaan gets attacked practically everytime he opens his mouth, which is the way it SHOULD be as far as I'm concerned.

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