damn! beanhead got in a comment before me!!! I HOPE HE DIES IN A FIRE!! lol, not really,
sounding good rob, im not going to come away from NG for the rest of this month just to vote 5 on ur flash to make the inevitable even quicker, the passing of siblings episode 5!! and if anyone tries to pry me away from my beloved newgrounds before i get to see the new siblings, i will tell wilford brimley they have diabetus and that they havent checked thier blood sugar levels in a really long time and see what happens to that poor individual who tried to get me away from newgrounds in the first place!!! LOLWTF? what the? where did the mental capacity to be able to type that sentence in perfect grammar and stuff like that?
and i think im rambling again! :( poor you for having to read this!!!
coolio roberto cant wait